Assessment of creep improvement of organic soil improved by stone columns

  • Kumail R. Al-Khafaji (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology) ;
  • Mohammed Y. Fattah (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology) ;
  • Makki K. Al-Recaby (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology)
  • Received : 2022.05.16
  • Accepted : 2024.07.15
  • Published : 2024.07.25


One of the issues with clayey soils, particularly those with significant quantities of organic matter, is the creep settling problem. Clay soils can be strengthened using a variety of techniques, one of which is the use of stone columns. Prior research involved foundation loading when the soil beds were ready and confined in one-dimensional consolidation chambers. In this study, a particular methodology is used to get around the model's frictional resistance issue. Initially, specimens were prepared via static compaction, and they were then re-consolidated inside a sizable triaxial cell while under isotropic pressure. With this configuration, the confining pressure can be adjusted, the pore water pressure beneath the foundation can be measured, and the spacemen's lateral border may be freely moved. This paper's important conclusions include the observation that secondary settlement declines with area replacement ratio. Because of the composite ground's increasing stiffness, the length to diameter ratio (l/d) and the stone column to sample height ratio (Hc/Hs) both increase. The degree of improvement varies from 12.4 to 55% according to area replacement ratio and (l/d) ratio.



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