Investigating into the Death Years of Evergreen Conifers in Landslide Areas of Jirisan National Park and the Abrupt Growth Reduction During Their Living

  • Jun-Hui PARK (Department of Forest Products, Graduate School, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • En-Bi CHOI (Department of Forest Products, Graduate School, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Yo-Jung KIM (Tree-Ring Research Center, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Ju-Ung YUN (Korea National Park Service, Korea National Park Research Institute) ;
  • Jin-Won KIM (Korea National Park Service, Korea National Park Research Institute) ;
  • Hyeon-Ho MYEONG (Korea National Park Service, Korea National Park Research Institute) ;
  • Jeong-Wook SEO (Tree-Ring Research Center, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.23
  • 심사 : 2024.02.26
  • 발행 : 2024.07.25


The present study aimed to investigate the death years of conifers to verify the time difference between landslide occurrence in 2011 and tree mortality near Chibanmok and Jangteomok shelters in the Jirisan National Park. Furthermore, abrupt growth reduction was also investigated to verify the living conditions when they were living. For the study, tree-ring analysis was conducted by selecting 14 living Abies koreana near the landslide area and 7 dead ones in the landslide area in the Chibanmok site, and 13 living conifers (7 Picea jezoensis, 5 A. koreana, and 1 Pinus koraiensis) near landslide area and 4 dead ones (2 P. jezoensis and 2 A. koreana) in landslide area in the Jangteomok site. Using the tree-ring samples from living A. koreana 137-year long chronology (1885-2021) was established for the Chibanmok site and 364- and 65-year long P. jezoensis (1658-2021) and A. koreana (1957-2021) chronologies was built for the Jangteomok site. Through the synchronization test between the tree-ring time series from dead conifers and the corresponding chronologies, it was verified that the death of conifers in the landslide areas occurred after 2011, when the landslide happened, except for only one tree. It was further verified through the abrupt growth reduction test that the growth condition of dead conifers before the landslide in 2011 was satisfactory.



This study was supported by the Korea National Park Research Institute (project title: Analysis of the impact of subalpine landslides caused by climate change) under the Ministry of Environment (MOE) in the Korea.


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