A Study on Trends in Scalp Condition Based on Use of Customized Shampoo

맞춤형샴푸 사용에 따른 두피상태 변화 추이 연구

  • Eun Ji Lee (Dept. of Beauty Care, Masan University) ;
  • Jeong Hyun Lee (Dept. of Department of Medical Beauty Care, Dongguk University)
  • 이은지 (마산대학교 뷰티케어학부) ;
  • 이정현 (동국대학교 와이즈캠퍼스 뷰티메디컬학과)
  • Received : 2024.02.28
  • Accepted : 2024.06.05
  • Published : 2024.06.30


Consumer preferences for food are influenced by personal values and personalities. Social, economic, and cultural developments in modern society have influenced consumer lifestyles and brought about multiple changes in consumption patterns. In the beauty market, consumers are now more interested in specialized offerings, and an increasing number of people are opting for customized products in a market structure where mass production has led to mass consumption. Hair products are now manufactured as functional cosmetics designed to maintain and improve scalp health and hair growth by removing waste from the scalp and adding fragrance for cleanliness, breaking away from the concept of general cosmetics. Many studies have focused on personalized products in the cosmetics industry. This study aimed to accurately determine scalp types and further diagnose individual scalp conditions using a scalp diagnostic device. Based on the diagnoses, it recommended and provided personalized shampoos in order to understand how these shampoos improved scalp health. By objectively analyzing and comparing scalp conditions before and after using customized shampoos, the study demonstrated a significant effect on scalp health. The results of this study confirmed the perception and effectiveness of personalized shampoos.



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