An accurate analytical exploration for dynamic response of thermo-electric CNTRC beams under driving harmonic and constant loads resting on Pasternak foundation

  • Received : 2021.12.27
  • Accepted : 2024.04.26
  • Published : 2024.06.25


This paper aims to analyze the dynamic response of thermoelectric carbon nanotube-reinforced composite (CNTRC) beams under moving harmonic load resting on Pasternak elastic foundation. The governing equations of thermoelectric CNTRC beam are obtained based on the Karama shear deformation beam theory. The beams are resting on the Pasternak foundation. Previous articles have not performed the moving load mode with the analytical method. The exact solution for the transverse and axial dynamic response is presented using the Laplace transform. A comparison of previous studies has been published, where a good agreement is observed. Finally, some examples were used to analyze, such as excitation frequency, voltage, temperature, spring constant factors, the volume fraction of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the velocity of a moving harmonic load, and their influence on axial and transverse dynamic and maximum deflections. The advantages of the proposed method compared to other numerical methods are zero reduction of the error percentage that exists in numerical methods.



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