Basic design assessment of coexistent cage aquaculture an offshore wind farm based on numerical analysis

수치해석 기반 해상풍력단지 공존어업설비 기본설계 적정성 평가

  • Doohyun Kyung ;
  • Hoyeop Lee ;
  • Keumseok Kang ;
  • Sungmin Park ;
  • Soowon Kang ;
  • Chanjoo Kim
  • 경두현 (한국전력공사, 전력연구원) ;
  • 이호엽 (한국전력공사, 전력연구원) ;
  • 강금석 (한국전력공사, 전력연구원) ;
  • 박성민 ((주)포어시스, 기술개발1팀) ;
  • 강수원 ((주)포어시스, 기술개발1팀) ;
  • 김찬주 (인하대학교, 조선해양공학과)
  • Received : 2023.11.03
  • Accepted : 2024.03.06
  • Published : 2024.03.31


This paper examines the design feasibility of cage aquaculture coexistent with an offshore wind farm in the southwestern sea of South Korea. Among the many types of fish farms, 2 × 3 cage aquaculture was selected for the investigation and the initial design including mooring lines, bridles, etc. was drawn with iterative numerical simulations using Orcaflex. Experimental campaigns were conducted to validate the numerical results, and they were found to be in good agreement with the experiments. Using a validated numerical model, the tension of mooring lines and the deformed volumes of the facility were examined under given operating and survival conditions. The validated model will be further used to investigate various aspects of the cage farm design for design optimization.



본 연구는 2022년도 산업통상자원부의 재원으로 한국에너지기술평가원의 신재생에너지 핵심기술 개발사업(과제번호 : 20203040020130) 및 한국전력공사의 재원으로 수행된 "해상풍력 지지구조 최적화 설계기술 개발(R22EA12)" 연구 결과의 일부입니다.


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