Reconstruction of the Unrealized Project of Moon Shin Museum with the Archive Documents

아카이브의 도면을 통한 문신미술관 계획의 재구성

  • Kim, Ilhyun (Dept. of Architecture, Kyung Hee University)
  • Received : 2024.02.21
  • Accepted : 2024.05.15
  • Published : 2024.06.30


The object of this research the Moon Shin Museum, currrently located in City of Changwon, is studied according to the related themes as the following. First of all, considerations were given to the publications and articles related with the building in order to understand the physical status of museum complex. Various layouts such as masterplans and definite architectural drawings were considered to understand the overall composition and characteristic relative to each individual edifice. Relating these facts with the testimonies and memoirs of the artist himself and others, it was possible to understand the dynamics in which the selection of the site, modificaion of the plans and buildings due to the financial difficulties occurred during the process. Furthermore it was possible to comprehend how the previous intentions were modified from the original blue print due to the financial difficulties and the radical changes of urban context by the construction of residential buildings adjacent to the museum complex. After the investigation in situ, certain structures not incorporated to the definite construction were individuated such as arched gate, stairs and terraced embankment. These indications led to reconsider the architectural drawings preserved in archives mostly in the Moon Shin Museum. After the synthesis of the site investigation and archive documents it was possible to advance a hypothesis of a different ideal museum that the artist pursued but unable to accomplish due to various factors until the very last stage of the completion of the complex. Lastly key drawings proved an alternative project specially related with the uppermost area of the site. This study advances existence of a different project which artist aspired but could only leave its trace both on site and on paper.



이 연구는 2020년도 경희대학교 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임. 과제번호:20202206


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