An Integration of TAM and D&M Model in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor in Kuwait

  • Faisal L F H Almutairi (School of Management studies Universiti Sains Malaysia) ;
  • Ramayah Thurasamy (School of Management studies Universiti Sains Malaysia) ;
  • Jasmine A.L. Yeap (School of Management studies Universiti Sains Malaysia) ;
  • Muhammad Khaleel (School of Management studies Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  • Received : 2024.06.05
  • Published : 2024.06.30


This study based on TAM and D&M model to examine the Kuwaiti employee performance using the electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) in the Ministry of social affairs and labor. Additionally, this study has proposed the moderating effect of work cooperation on employee performance Data of 345 employees were collected from Ministry of social affairs and labor in Kuwait. Smart PLS 3.0 was used to analyze the data. Results indicated that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have a positive influence on employee performance. However, findings do not support the relationship between system usage and user satisfaction. Additionally, the results show that there is a significant positive moderating effect of work cooperation. This research provides strong evidence for defining the key factors affecting system usage but also in view of its limits. It should be evaluated. Not all the factors affecting the intentions of end-users to use EDRMS have been fully covered. There are major variables, for example, facilitating state and perceived compatibility are important factors that can be covered in future research. This research is an addition to the current literature and the first attempt in this area to the best of authors' knowledge.



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