From Renewable Electricity to Green Hydrogen: Production and Storage Challenges for a Clean Energy Future

  • Hidouri Dalila (ATSSEE Laboratory, Science faculty of Tunis, University Tunis Manar) ;
  • Rym Marouani (ATSSEE Laboratory, Science faculty of Tunis, University Tunis Manar) ;
  • Cherif Adnen (ATSSEE Laboratory, Science faculty of Tunis, University Tunis Manar)
  • 투고 : 2024.06.05
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


Decentralized energy production without greenhouse gas emissions from renewable energy sources despite their advantage and environmental impact suffers from the problem of intermittent and fluctuating supply depending on weather conditions. To overcome this problem, energy storage is essential to enable reliable and continuous supply of the load. Hydrogen is one of the most promising energy storage solutions because it is easily transportable and can be used as fuel or as a raw material for the production of other chemicals.In this article, we will focus on hydrogen energy storage techniques using photovoltaic systems. We will review the different types of hydrogen storage structuresfor several applications, including residential and commercial buildings, as well as industry and transportation (electric vehicles using PEFMC fuel cells).



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