A Review of Security and Privacy of Cloud Based E-Healthcare Systems

  • Faiza Nawaz (Faculty of Computer Science & IT, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus) ;
  • Jawwad Ibrahim (Faculty of Computer Science & IT, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus) ;
  • Maida Junaid (Faculty of Computer Science & IT, University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus)
  • 투고 : 2024.06.05
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


Information technology plays an important role in healthcare. The cloud has several applications in the fields of education, social media and medicine. But the advantage of the cloud for medical reasons is very appropriate, especially given the large volume of data generated by healthcare organizations. As in increasingly health organizations adopting towards electronic health records in the cloud which can be accessed around the world for various health issues regarding references, healthcare educational research and etc. Cloud computing has many advantages, such as "flexibility, cost and energy savings, resource sharing and rapid deployment". However, despite the significant benefits of using the cloud computing for health IT, data security, privacy, reliability, integration and portability are some of the main challenges and obstacles for its implementation. Health data are highly confidential records that should not be made available to unauthorized persons to protect the security of patient information. In this paper, we discuss the privacy and security requirement of EHS as well as privacy and security issues of EHS and also focus on a comprehensive review of the current and existing literature on Electronic health that uses a variety of approaches and procedures to handle security and privacy issues. The strengths and weaknesses of some of these methods were mentioned. The significance of security issues in the cloud computing environment is a challenge.



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