A Review of Security Threats of Internet of Things

  • Nargis Jamal (University of Lahore Gujrat Campus) ;
  • Sataish Riaz (University of Lahore Gujrat Campus) ;
  • Jawad Ibrahim (Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science, University of Lahore Gujrat Campus Pakistan)
  • Received : 2024.06.05
  • Published : 2024.06.30


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel concept that allows a large number of objects to be connected to the Internet while also allowing them to be controlled remotely. The Internet of Things is extensive and has become an almost inseparable part of our daily lives. Users' personal data is frequently obtained by these linked gadgets and stored online. In recent years, the security of acquired data has become a major concern. As devices grow more linked, privacy and security concerns grow more pressing, and they must be addressed as soon as possible. IoT implementations and devices are particularly vulnerable to attacks that might adversely affect customer security and privacy, which might have an impact on their practical utility. The goal of this study is to bring attention to the security and privacy concerns that exist in IoT systems. To that purpose, the paper examines security challenges at each level of the IoT protocol stack, identifies underlying impediments and critical security requirements, and provides a rapid overview of available security solutions for securing IoT in a layered environment.



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