Intersecting Sanctuaries: Exploring Cultural Hybridity at Córdoba's Mosque-Cathedral

  • Soojeong YI (Sogang Euro-MENA Institute at Sogang University in Seoul)
  • Published : 2024.06.15


This study delves into the concept of cultural hybridity, using the Great Mosque-Cathedral in Córdoba, Spain as a unique case study. This monumental site stands as a testament to the convergence of Islamic and Christian architecture and ideology, a phenomenon that is often discussed in modern contexts. However, this study takes a step further, examining cultural hybridity across historical epochs to reveal its persistent relevance in shaping social and cultural landscapes. Originally a mosque transformed into a Christian cathedral, the Great Mosque-Cathedral is a prime example of this phenomenon, reflecting continuous cultural, architectural, and ideological exchanges between the two religions. This paper meticulously analyzes how the structure's architectural elements embody these exchanges, such as its ornate mihrab and unique double-arched columns. By integrating theories of hybridity with a detailed architectural and historical analysis, the study argues that the mosque-cathedral is not merely a physical space but a dynamic medium through which cultural negotiations and adaptations are articulated. The findings underscore the complexity of cultural hybridity, challenging simplistic interpretations of cultural exchange and dominance, and highlighting the mosque-cathedral's role in ongoing debates about identity and heritage in contemporary society. This comprehensive examination contributes to academic discussions on hybridity and enhances our understanding of cultural resilience and transformation through architectural spaces.



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