Religiosity Role within the Halal Foods Consumptions' Antecedents.

  • Maher Toukabri (Northern Border University, College of Business Administration)
  • 투고 : 2024.05.05
  • 발행 : 2024.05.30


This research aims to highlight the determinants of the intention to purchase Halal foods. In the conceptual framework we examine the different antecedents that might affect the consumer intention to choose the Halal foods. For this, we evocate the role of constructs attitude towards Halal certification, consumption habits and the subjective norm. Moreover, we attempt to study the role mediating role of the religiosity in this purchase decision process of the Muslim consumer. The empirical study will be implemented in the Saudi Halal Foods Market. Thus, we interviewed 200 invidious in the exploratory study to purify the measurements of the selected constructs that may contribute in the explanation of the intention to consume Halal. The confirmatory phase require a second sample that count 400 interviewees. The software of the data analyses that we have used were SPSS and AMOS to purify measurements, to test the research hypotheses and to validate the developed model. At the end of this research we hope to characterize and define the most important determinants' Muslim purchase intention of Halal foods. Therefore, we advance the necessary recommendations to the academicians interesting in this business field and the practices who enquiry to improve theirs offerings and theirs transactions turnover within this emerging consumption sector.



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