간호대학생의 진로결정유형과 유형별 특성

Career decision profiles and characteristics of nursing students

  • 투고 : 2023.12.07
  • 심사 : 2024.02.28
  • 발행 : 2024.05.31


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the career decision profiles for nursing students and analyze their career barriers, preparation behaviors, decision-making self efficacy, and adaptability according to the career decision profiles. Methods: This cross-sectional study used content analysis. A total of 219 nursing students enrolled in two private Korean universities participated in this study. The data were collected in person and via email between December 8 and 31, 2020. Results: The decidedness and comfort results were statistically significant. Four clusters were identified: undecided-uncomfortable, decided-uncomfortable, decided-comfortable, and undecided-comfortable. Most participants were found to be decided-uncomfortable, followed by decided-comfortable, undecided-uncomfortable, and undecided-comfortable. The self efficacy scores were higher for the decision-comfortable profile than for the undecided-uncomfortable and decided-uncomfortable profiles. The mean adaptability scores were higher for the decision-comfortable profile than for the undecided-comfortable profile. Career barriers were negatively correlated with preparation behavior, decision-making self efficacy, and adaptability, while preparative behaviors were positively correlated with decision-making self efficacy and adaptability. Decision-making self efficacy was positively correlated with adaptability. The mean career barriers, preparation behaviors, decision-making self efficacy, and adaptability scores differed significantly across profiles. The mean career barrier score was higher for the undecided-uncomfortable than for the decided-comfortable profile; preparation behaviors exhibited no significant differences. Conclusion: Tailored career coaching and counseling programs based on personal characteristics and areas of interest are needed for freshmen and senior nursing students to reduce career barriers and to improve preparation behaviors, decision-making self efficacy, and adaptability.



The authors would like to thank the nursing scholars for allowing us to use the instruments and tools to conduct this study.


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