Mock Circulatory Robot with Artificial Aorta for Reproduction of Blood Pressure Waveform

혈압 파형 재현을 위한 인공 대동맥 기반 모의 순환계 로봇

  • Received : 2024.04.02
  • Accepted : 2024.04.15
  • Published : 2024.05.31


As the importance of cardiovascular health is highlighted, research on its correlation with blood pressure, the most important indicator, is being actively conducted. Therefore, extensive clinical data is essential, but the measurement of the central arterial blood pressure waveform must be performed invasively within the artery, so the quantity and quality are limited. This study suggested a mock circulatory robot and artificial aorta to reproduce the blood pressure waveform generated by the overlap of forward and reflected waves. The artificial aorta was fabricated with biomimetic silicone to mimic the physiological structure and vascular stiffness of the human. A pressurizing chamber was implemented to prevent distortion of the blood pressure waveform due to the strain-softening of biomimetic silicone. The reproduced central arterial blood pressure waveforms have similar magnitude, shape, and propagation characteristics to humans. In addition, changes in blood pressure waveform due to aging were also reproduced by replacing an artificial aorta with various stiffness. It can be expanded to construct a biosignal database and health sensor testing platform, a core technology for cardiovascular health-related research.



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