이 논문은 2023학년도 청주교육대학교 학술연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(No. CJE2023D011)
- Kang, Y., Paik, S., Jeon, I., Lee, K., Kim, Y., Lee, M., Yoon, D., Paik, J., Kang, T., Song, J., Lee, J., Do, J., Lee, J., Kim, T., Kim, B., Jeong, H., Kim, K., Kwon, H., Jo, H., ... Lee, Y. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 5-2. Daekyo.
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- Kim, S., Kang, E., Kang, Y., Ko, C., Kim, B., Kim, A., Noh, S., Park, S., Park, Y., Park, H., Song, J., An, H., Lee, D., Jeong, S., Jeong, Y., & Hwang, Y. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 6-1. Icecream Media.
- Kim, A., & Cha, W. (2019). A study on the application of cross-curricular learning topics in moral education curriculum. Korean Elementary Moral Education Society, 63, 161-188.
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- Lew, H., Yoo, H., Lee, J., Jo, Y., Tak, B., Choi, Y., Jeong, M., Lee, H., Jeon, J., Kim, G., Lee, K., Park, S., Kim, K., Weon, S., Sun, J., Kim, P., Lee, Y., Kim, J., Kim, H., ... Kim, Y. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 6-1. Kumsung Publishing.
- Park, K., Jeong, Y., Ko, J., Kwon, S., Nam, J., Park, J., Song, S., Lim, J., Kim, Y., Choi, J., Ko, J., Kwon, C., Noh, H., Park, J., Lee, S., Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Lee, J., ... Choi, H. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 5-1. Donga Publishing.
- Park, M., Kang, K., Kim, D., Kim, D., Kim, S., Kim, W., Kim, J., Kim, J., Kim, H., Son, K., Lew, D., Lee, J., Yim, G., & Jo, S. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 6-2. Chunjae Textbook.
- Park, S., Lew, S., Kim, S., Kwon, S., Kim, N., Kang, H., Kim, K., Kim, B., Kim, Y., Kim, Y., Kim, E., Sung, C., Oh, H., Lee, M., Jeong, Y., Choi, B., & Choi, J. (2023a). Elementary school mathematics 5-1. YBM.
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- Ahn, B., Na, G., Kim, M., Lee, K., Lew, H., Choi, J., Jo, J., Kim, N., Jeong, Y., Park, E., Heo, J., Hwang, C., Moon, E., Son, T., Chu, S., Jang, S., Jeong, S., Kim, J., Yoon, J., ... Cha, E. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 6-2. Donga Publishing.
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- Chang, H., Seo, D., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Kim, C., Nam, J., Park, E., Park, H., Yoo, M., Yoo, C., Lim, M., Jeong, H., Hwang, W. (2023). Elementary school mathematics 6-1. Miraen.
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- Cha, W., Kim, A., Lee, J., & Woo, H. (2019). Research on the development of instructional materials for cross-curricular learning topics linked to subjects according to national and social needs. Korea National University of Education, School Population Safety Education Institute.