A comparative study of the revised 2022 Korea mathematics curriculum and the international baccalaureate diploma program mathematics: Applications and interpretation standard level - focusing on high school statistics area

  • Soo Bin Lee (Mathematics Education, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ah Ra Cho (Sinwon High School) ;
  • Oh Nam Kwon (Mathematics Education, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2024.02.05
  • Accepted : 2024.03.04
  • Published : 2024.03.31


This study aims to explore the direction of high school statistics education in Korea through a comparative analysis between the revised 2022 Korea mathematics curriculum and the IBDP Mathematics: Application & Interpretation Standard Level (IBDP AI SL) Curriculum and textbooks. The study seeks to investigate the Statistics unit of the two curricula, compare chapter structures and content elements of textbooks, and explore exercises on modeling and utilization of technology tools. The results are as follows: First, the IBDP AI SL statistics covered a broader range of topics. Second, exercises in Korean high school textbooks typically inquire about one or two questions in each topic, whereas the IBDP AI SL textbook's exercises present a real-life scenario on all relevant topics through sub-questions. Third, the Korean textbook guides the utilization of technology tools only in exercises presented after completing the entire chapter or where the calculation is complex. Also, there were only a handful of modeling exercises in the Korean textbook in contrast to most of the lessons and exercises were modeling exercises in the IBDP AI SL textbook. If these findings can be integrated into teaching practices in Korea, it will provide a direction for statistics education in Korean high schools.



We express our sincere gratitude to the anonymous reviewers of Series D for their valuable insights and constructive suggestions. Additionally, we extend our appreciation to Vilma M. Mesa (University of Michigan, U.S.) for her thoughtful and perceptive opinions.


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