Comparing Pre- and Post-Operative Findings in Patients Who Underwent Laparoscopic Proximal Gastrectomy With a Double-Flap Technique: A Study on High-Resolution Manometry, Impedance pH Monitoring, and Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Findings

  • Hyun Joo Yoo (Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Jin-Jo Kim (Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.21
  • 심사 : 2023.10.19
  • 발행 : 2024.04.01


Purpose: Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy (LPG) is a viable choice for treating proximal gastric lesions. However, the occurrence of severe reflux has limited its widespread adoption. To address this issue, the double flap technique (DFT), which incorporates artificial lower esophageal sphincteroplasty, has been developed to prevent reflux problems after proximal gastrectomy. In this study, we aimed to investigate the usefulness of this technique using high-resolution manometry (HRM), impedance pH monitoring, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Materials and Methods: The findings of pre- and postoperative 6-month HRM, pH monitoring, and EGD were compared for 9 patients who underwent LPG with DFT for various proximal gastric lesions at Incheon St. Mary's Hospital from January 2021 to December. Results: A total of 9 patients underwent proximal gastrectomy. Approximately half of the patients had Hill's grade under II preoperatively, whereas all patients had Hill's grades I and II in EGD findings. In the HRM test, there was no significant difference between distal contractile integral (1,412.46±1,168.51 vs. 852.66±495.62 mmHg·cm·s, P=0.087) and integrated relaxation pressure (12.54±8.97 vs. 8.33±11.30 mmHg, P=0.27). The average lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure was 29.19±14.51 mmHg preoperatively, which did not differ from 19.97±18.03 mmHg after the surgery (P=0.17). DeMeester score (7.02±6.36 vs. 21.92±36.17, P=0.21) and total acid exposure time (1.49±1.48 vs. 5.61±10.17, P=0.24) were slightly higher, but the differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions: There is no significant functional difference in HRM and impedance pH monitoring tests after DFT. DFT appears to be useful in preserving LES function following proximal gastrectomy.



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