지방 소형 건축사사무소의 마케팅 특성에 관한 종단연구

Longitudinal Study about the Marketing Characteristics of Local Small Architectural Firms

  • Kim, Duk-Su (Dept. of Architecture, Hanbat National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.05
  • 심사 : 2024.03.06
  • 발행 : 2024.03.30


This study aims to shed light on the evolving perceptions of architectural marketing over time, focusing on small architectural firms in Daejeon and Sejong. Using a 5-point Likert scale, perceptions of architectural marketing within these firms were assessed. The longitudinal analysis revealed shifts in these perceptions, with an increasing recognition of the benefits of architectural marketing. In a 2021 survey, a diverse range of perspectives on architectural marketing emerged compared to a 2015 survey. Particularly, architectural firms in Daejeon with robust operational performance acknowledged the value of architectural marketing activities from a business perspective more than those in Sejong. Despite differences in revenue and organizational growth between the two regions, Daejeon exhibited a more positive growth trend. Furthermore, there was a heightened awareness of the importance of architectural marketing capital in securing contracts. Daejeon demonstrated a more significant positive change in this regard compared to Sejong across both survey points. Specifically, the increase in awareness of the importance of social capital was most notable in Daejeon, while Sejong saw a considerable rise in the perception of the significance of human capital over the two survey periods.



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