Full-scale simulation of wind-driven rain and a case study to determine the rain mitigation effect of shutters

  • 투고 : 2023.06.06
  • 심사 : 2024.01.30
  • 발행 : 2024.03.25


Wind Driven Rain (WDR) poses a significant threat to the building environment, especially in hurricane prone regions by causing interior and content damage during tropical storms and hurricanes. The damage due to rain intrusion depends on the total amount of water that enters the building; however, owing to the use of inadequate empirical methods, the amount of water intrusion is difficult to estimate accurately. Hence, the need to achieve full-scale testing capable of realistically simulating rain intrusion is widely recognized. This paper presents results of a full-scale experimental simulation at the NHERI Wall of Wind Experimental Facility (WOW EF) aimed at obtaining realistic rain characteristics as experienced by structures during tropical storms and hurricanes. A full-scale simulation of rain in strong winds would allow testing WDR intrusion through typical building components. A study of rain intrusion through a sliding glass door is presented, which accounted for the effects of multiple wind directions, test durations and wind speeds; configurations with and without shuttering systems were also considered. The study showed that significant levels of water intrusion can occur during conditions well below current design levels. The knowledge gained through this work may enhance risk modeling pertaining to loss estimates due to WDR intrusion in buildings, and it may help quantify the potential reduction of losses due to the additional protection from shuttering systems on sliding glass doors during winds.



These tests were conducted at the NHERI Wall of Wind Experimental Facility (NSF CMMI #1520853 & #2037899). The authors of this paper wish to acknowledge the Florida Department of Emergency Management (DEM) for financial support to perform the sliding glass door tests. The authors would also like to express their sincere gratitude to Dr. Emil Simiu for his constructive feedback on this manuscript.


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