Generalization and implementation of hardening soil constitutive model in ABAQUS code

  • Bo Songa (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan) ;
  • Jun-Yan Liu (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan) ;
  • Yan Liu (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan) ;
  • Ping Hu (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.13
  • 심사 : 2024.01.05
  • 발행 : 2024.02.25


The original elastoplastic Hardening Soil model is formulated actually partly under hexagonal pyramidal Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, and can be only used in specific stress paths. It must be completely generalized under Mohr-Coulomb criterion before its usage in engineering practice. A set of generalized constitutive equations under this criterion, including shear and volumetric yield surfaces and hardening laws, is proposed for Hardening Soil model in principal stress space. On the other hand, a Mohr-Coulumb type yield surface in principal stress space comprises six corners and an apex that make singularity for the normal integration approach of constitutive equations. With respect to the isotropic nature of the material, a technique for processing these singularities by means of Koiter's rule, along with a transforming approach between both stress spaces for both stress tensor and consistent stiffness matrix based on spectral decomposition method, is introduced to provide such an approach for developing generalized Hardening Soil model in finite element analysis code ABAQUS. The implemented model is verified in comparison with the results after the original simulations of oedometer and triaxial tests by means of this model, for volumetric and shear hardenings respectively. Results from the simulation of oedometer test show similar shape of primary loading curve to the original one, while maximum vertical strain is a little overestimated for about 0.5% probably due to the selection of relationships for cap parameters. In simulation of triaxial test, the stress-strain and dilation curves are both in very good agreement with the original curves as well as test data.



The research work described herein was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51979122).


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