• Imen Ferjani (Department of Mathematics University of Sfax Faculty of Sciences of Sfax) ;
  • Bilel Krichen (Department of Mathematics University of Sfax Faculty of Sciences of Sfax)
  • Received : 2023.05.11
  • Accepted : 2023.08.18
  • Published : 2024.01.31


In the present paper, we introduce a new class of operators called p-demicompact operators between two lattice normed spaces X and Y. We study the basic properties of this class. Precisely, we give some conditions under which a p-bounded operator be p-demicompact. Also, a sufficient condition is given, under which each p-demicompact operator has a modulus which is p-demicompact. Further, we put in place some properties of this class of operators on lattice normed spaces.



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