Two Species of the Genus Grapholita (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Oletherutinae: Grapholitini) New to Korea

  • Jin-Sung Kweon (Forest Entomology and Pathology Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Yonghwan Park (Forest Entomology and Pathology Division, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Bong-Kyu Byun (Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University)
  • Received : 2023.11.23
  • Accepted : 2023.12.13
  • Published : 2024.01.31


The genus Grapholita Treitschke, belonging to the tribe Grapholitini, comprises over 150 species worldwide with the majority occurring in the Holarctic region. However, in other regions, only few species are reported owing to a lack of collection and taxonomic study. The genus includes important agricultural pests worldwide that feed on several plants in the families Fabaceae and Rosaceae. In Korea, a comprehensive taxonomic study is required as only eight species have been reported to date. In this study, two species of Grapholita Treitschke, G. latericia Komai, 1999 and G. pallifrontana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) are newly recorded from Korea. We provide redescribed and illustrated adult and available genitalia. Additionally, all available information, including collecting localities, distribution, host plants and biological characteristics is presented.



We are grateful to Dr. Bong-Woo Lee (Korea National Arboretum) for providing access to examine specimens. Also, we extend our thanks to all members of the Systematic Entomology Lab., Hannam University for their assistance in collecting specimens and capturing adult and genitalia structures. This study was supported by the National Institute of Forest Science, Korea (Project No. FE0300-2023-01) and Korea National Arboretum(KNA1-1-20, 16-1).


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