Understanding the Urban-wall's Significance in the Transit-centric Axis of the Multi-functional Administrative City

행정중심복합도시 대중교통중심축의 가로벽 의미 해석 연구

  • Park, Yong-Kuk (Planning and Coordination Division, Multi-functional Administrative City, Korea Planners Association)
  • 박용국 (KPA 행정중심복합도시 기획조정단)
  • Received : 2023.07.25
  • Accepted : 2023.11.29
  • Published : 2024.01.30


In the early stages of the multi-functional administrative city, the view for the urban-wall stood as a city-image symbol, embodying integrated design and urban concepts. However, subsequent regulations, conflicts with development interests, and various discrepancies in the development process have brought design guideline and operational system issues to the forefront. This study aims to classify city-image elements based on conceptual and spatial characteristics within spaces formed by the urban-wall along the circular public transportation axis to implement an integrated image. It also seeks to interpret their purpose and value in terms of cognitive aspects. In the evolving stages of urban development, the multi-functional administrative city is transitioning from the second stage of self-sufficiency maturity to the completion stage. At this point, with fundamental conditions completed in development, the aim is to reassess and establish the identity of multi-functional administrative city images, promote urban principles, and enhance values.



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