Research Trends in Large Language Models and Mathematical Reasoning

초거대 언어모델과 수학추론 연구 동향

  • O.W. Kwon ;
  • J.H. Shin ;
  • Y.A. Seo ;
  • S.J. Lim ;
  • J. Heo ;
  • K.Y. Lee
  • 권오욱 (언어지능연구실) ;
  • 신종훈 (언어지능연구실) ;
  • 서영애 (언어지능연구실) ;
  • 임수종 (언어지능연구실) ;
  • 허정 (언어지능연구실) ;
  • 이기영 (언어지능연구실)
  • Published : 2023.12.01


Large language models seem promising for handling reasoning problems, but their underlying solving mechanisms remain unclear. Large language models will establish a new paradigm in artificial intelligence and the society as a whole. However, a major challenge of large language models is the massive resources required for training and operation. To address this issue, researchers are actively exploring compact large language models that retain the capabilities of large language models while notably reducing the model size. These research efforts are mainly focused on improving pretraining, instruction tuning, and alignment. On the other hand, chain-of-thought prompting is a technique aimed at enhancing the reasoning ability of large language models. It provides an answer through a series of intermediate reasoning steps when given a problem. By guiding the model through a multistep problem-solving process, chain-of-thought prompting may improve the model reasoning skills. Mathematical reasoning, which is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence, has played a crucial role in advancing large language models toward human-level performance. As a result, mathematical reasoning is being widely explored in the context of large language models. This type of research extends to various domains such as geometry problem solving, tabular mathematical reasoning, visual question answering, and other areas.



이 논문은 2023년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원의 지원을 받아 수행한 연구임[RS-2023-00216011, 사람처럼 개념적으로 이해/추론이 가능한 복합인공지능 원천기술 연구].


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