Strategic Technology Policy Trends and Implications in Leading Countries

주요국 전략기술 정책 비교: 기술 선정을 중심으로

  • J.R. Park ;
  • S.M. Kim ;
  • S.S. Choi ;
  • S.J. Yeon
  • 박정렬 (미래전략연구실) ;
  • 김성민 (미래전략연구실) ;
  • 최새솔 (미래전략연구실) ;
  • 연승준 (미래전략연구실)
  • Published : 2023.08.01


The acquisition of advanced scientific and technological knowledge is essential for the economic and security interests of any nation. Major countries are actively accumulating capacities by strategically identifying and nurturing key technologies, aiming to gain a competitive advantage amidst internal and external environmental shifts and the global competition for technological dominance. By comparing and analyzing trends in strategic technology policies in leading countries, we may be able to understand Korea's technology status and level as well as identify technologies to focus or develop. Accordingly, this study scrutinizes policy trends, criteria for technology selection, objectives, and strategies adopted by major countries regarding strategic technologies and offers insights into Korea's technological development by means of comparative analyses across strategic technologies among these countries.



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