Resource scheduling scheme for 5G mmWave CP-OFDM based wireless networks with delay and power allocation optimizations

  • Marcus Vinicius G. Ferreira (Instituto de Informatica, Universidade Federal de Goias) ;
  • Flavio H. T. Vieira (Instituto de Informatica, Universidade Federal de Goias) ;
  • Alisson A. Cardoso (Escola de Engenharia Eletrica e da Computacso, Universidade Federal de Goias)
  • 투고 : 2020.04.21
  • 심사 : 2022.10.21
  • 발행 : 2023.02.20


In this paper, to optimize the average delay and power allocation (PA) for system users, we propose a resource scheduling scheme for wireless networks based on Cyclic Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM) according to the first fifth-generation standards. For delay minimization, we solve a throughput maximization problem that considers CPOFDM systems with carrier aggregation (CA). Regarding PA, we consider an approach that involves maximizing goodput using an effective signal-to-noise ratio. An algorithm for jointly solving delay minimization through computation of required user rates and optimizing the power allocated to users is proposed to compose the resource allocation approach. In wireless network simulations, we consider a scenario with the following capabilities: CA, 256-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, millimeter waves above 6 GHz, and a radio frame structure with 120 KHz spacing between the subcarriers. The performance of the proposed resource allocation algorithm is evaluated and compared with those of other algorithms from the literature using computational simulations in terms of various Quality of Service parameters, such as the throughput, delay, fairness index, and loss rate.



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