Landfill gas-landfill degassing system and methods of using landfill gas at Sarajevo landfill

  • 투고 : 2023.04.01
  • 심사 : 2023.11.17
  • 발행 : 2023.12.25


Municipal solid waste landfills are unpredictable bioreactors which in cases of mishandling and bad supervision presents numerous risks. The key to municipal waste landfills is to approach them from the point of prevention of the possible consequences, which means using methods of organized waste disposal, and also utilizing landfill gas, as an unavoidable consequence with disposal of municipal solid waste with a high share of biodegradable organic matter. This paper presents an overview about problems of solid municipal waste management, type and composition of waste, and an overview of waste management condition. Further, the problem of landfill and landfill gasses is described with the calculation models of landfill production, as well as the use of the SWM GHG Calculator and LandGEM software on a specific example of gas production for the central zone at Sarajevo landfill "Smiljevici". Main focus of this thesis is the analysis of potentials of greenhouse gas emission reduction measures from the waste management. Overview of the best available techniques in waste management is presented as well as the methodology used for calculations. Scenarios of greenhouse gas emission reduction in waste management were defined so that emissions were calculated using the appropriate model. In the final section of the paper, its description of the problem of collection and utilization the landfill gas at the sanitary landfill "Smiljevici", and implementation of the system for landfill gas collection and solution suggestion for the gasification and exploitation of gas. Energy, environmental and economic benefits can be accomplished by utilizing municipal solid waste as fuel in industry and energy and moreover by utilizing energy generation from landfill gas, which this thesis emphasizes.



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