NREH: 다양한 운동과 데이터 수집이 가능한 가정용 상지재활로봇

NREH: Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Robot for Various Exercises and Data Collection at Home

  • Jun-Yong Song (Department of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, National Rehabilitation Center) ;
  • Seong-Hoon Lee (Department of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, National Rehabilitation Center) ;
  • Won-Kyung Song (Department of Rehabilitative & Assistive Technology, National Rehabilitation Center)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.04
  • 심사 : 2023.10.20
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


In this paper, we introduce an upper extremity rehabilitation robot, NREH (NRC End-effector based Rehabilitation arm at Home). Through NREH, stroke survivors could continuously exercise their upper extremities at home. NREH allows a user to hold the handle of the end-effector of the robot arm. NREH is a end-effector-based robot that moves the arm on a two-dimensional plane, but the tilt angle can be adjusted to mimic a movement similar to that in a three-dimensional space. Depending on the tilting angle, it is possible to perform customized exercises that can adjust the difficulty for each user. The user can sit down facing the robot and perform exercises such as arm reaching. When the user sits 90 degrees sideways, the user can also exercise their arms on a plane parallel to the sagittal plane. NREH was designed to be as simple as possible considering its use at home. By applying error augmentation, the exercise effect can be increased, and assistance force or resistance force can be applied as needed. Using an encoder on two actuators and a force/torque sensor on the end-effector, NREH can continuously collect and analyze the user's movement data.



This project was supported by the Research Program of National Rehabilitation Research Institute, Korea National Rehabilitation Center [NRCTR-IN18006, NRCTR-IN19006, NRCTR-IN20006, NRCTR-IN21005, NRCTR-IN22004]


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