Design and Analysis of a Wrist Rotation Module Prototype for Partial Hand Amputees: Effects on Upper Limb Movement

부분 손 절단자를 위한 프로토 타입의 손목 회전 모듈 디자인 제안과 상지 움직임의 영향 분석

  • Seoyoung Choi (POSTECH) ;
  • Wonwoo Cho (Hyundai Rotem Company) ;
  • Keehoon Kim (Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH and Institute for Convergence Research and Education in Advanced Technology, Yonsei University)
  • Received : 2023.08.14
  • Accepted : 2023.11.16
  • Published : 2023.11.30


Most partial hand amputees experience limited wrist movement, which hinders the efficient functioning of upper limb, affecting hand-to-use coordination and the usability of the prosthetic hand. This limitation can lead to secondary musculoskeletal issues due to repetitive compensatory movement patterns. However, current partial hand prosthetic lack rotational wrist movement due to challenges in accommodating various hand shapes and limited space. In our study, we proposed a prosthetic hand with a wrist rotation module for partial hand amputees, aiming to reduce compensatory movement. To validate the proposed wrist rotation module, we conducted motion analysis during reach-to-grasp task. Furthermore, during the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test, we evaluated both the effect on upper limb movement and the usability of the prosthetic hand, comparing configurations with and without the wrist rotation module. The results showed that the prosthetic hand equipped with rotational wrist movements reduces compensatory movements and promotes efficient upper limb movement patterns. This finding highlights the value of incorporating a wrist rotation module in prosthetic hands to improve upper limb movement for partial hand amputees.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2022M3C1A3081359)


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