Exploring Quality Standards and Testing Methods for Traditional Korean Roof Tiles

전통한식기와의 품질기준 및 평가법 고찰

  • Kang, Sung-Hoon (Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kwon, Yang-Hee (Dept. of Traditional Architecture, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage)
  • 강성훈 (서울대학교 공학연구원) ;
  • 권양희 (한국전통문화대 전통건축학과 )
  • Received : 2023.08.08
  • Accepted : 2023.10.24
  • Published : 2023.11.30


Traditional Korean roof tiles stand out as a key element in Korea's distinctive architectural style, making it crucial to safeguard their production techniques and maintain their use. In line with these preservation efforts, this study explored the quality standards and evaluation methods of these Korean roof tiles. Experiments were carried out on three roof tile types, following the evaluation method outlined in the standard specifications for cultural heritage restoration. Additionally, chemical and microstructural analyses were undertaken to grasp the factors influencing tile performance. The results of these experiments revealed that the primary factor influencing roof tile performance is not the molding method, but rather the firing conditions. Consequently, the current standard, which classifies quality based on the molding method, is overly lenient toward handmade roof tiles fired in modern kilns. Regarding the frost resistance test method, which assesses the most critical aspect of roof tile performance, it was found that subjectivity can be involved in visual inspections, and 10 freeze-thaw cycles may not accurately gauge frost resistance. Therefore, the development of a more objective and efficient quality evaluation method is deemed necessary.



본 연구는 문화재청 및 국립문화재연구원의 2023년도 '문화재 스마트 보존·활용 기술 개발' 사업으로 수행되었음 (과제명 : 대면적 문화재 입체적 진단 기술 개발, 과제번호 : 2023A01D02-001)


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