Incorporating Weathering Effects for Building Exterior Transformation in Design

건물의 외관을 변화시키는 표면의 풍화를 활용한 디자인

  • Kim, Taewoo (Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Baek, Jin (Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2023.08.26
  • Accepted : 2023.10.26
  • Published : 2023.11.30


The study's goal is to categorize surface weathering types and define their characteristics for the design of building exteriors with weathering in mind. It then aims to validate these types and characteristics through architectural case analyses. Additionally, it challenges the conventional perspective that considers a building complete upon finishing construction by examining the alterations to building exteriors caused by weathering. This study is structured into two main parts: a theoretical exploration of weathering and an analysis of architectural case studies. In the theoretical investigation, weathering on building surfaces is categorized into three types: erosion, staining, and discoloration. These weathering types are associated with features like irregularity in exteriors, blending with neighboring buildings, and the representation of traces. The architectural case studies consist of three specific instances in two categories: parapets and staining on exterior walls, and discoloration of finishing materials. To assess the methods and outcomes of incorporating weathering on exteriors in each case, an analysis is conducted based on the architect's original intent, design approach, and the changes in the exterior. This analysis revealed that the alterations in building exteriors due to weathering can be turned into positive elements, depending on contextual factors such as the surrounding environment or building purpose. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the perception of a building's completeness can change based on the architect's intentions or users' interpretations of weathering effects. The significance of this study lies in recognizing the potential of weathering on building surfaces to facilitate the design of sustainable exteriors requiring minimal maintenance.



본 논문은 2023년 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 발표논문을 수정·보완하여 작성한 것으로, 2023년도 4단계 BK21사업에 의하여 지원되었음(관리번호 4120200113771).


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