Nonlinear resonance of porous functionally graded nanoshells with geometrical imperfection

  • Wu-Bin Shan (Hunan Electrical College of Technology, School of Elevator Engineering) ;
  • Gui-Lin She (College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University)
  • Received : 2023.04.11
  • Accepted : 2023.11.03
  • Published : 2023.11.25


Employing the non-local strain gradient theory (NSGT), this paper investigates the nonlinear resonance characteristics of functionally graded material (FGM) nanoshells with initial geometric imperfection for the first time. The effective material properties of the porous FGM nanoshells with even distribution of porosities are estimated by a modified power-law model. With the guidance of Love's thin shell theory and considering initial geometric imperfection, the strain equations of the shells are obtained. In order to characterize the small-scale effect of the nanoshells, the nonlocal parameter and strain gradient parameter are introduced. Subsequently, the Euler-Lagrange principle was used to derive the motion equations. Considering three boundary conditions, the Galerkin principle combined with the modified Lindstedt Poincare (MLP) method are employed to discretize and solve the motion equations. Finally, the effects of initial geometric imperfection, functional gradient index, strain gradient parameters, non-local parameters and porosity volume fraction on the nonlinear resonance of the porous FGM nanoshells are examined.



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