Multi-objective optimization of submerged floating tunnel route considering structural safety and total travel time

  • Eun Hak Lee (Multimodal Planning & Environment Division, Texas A&M Transportation Institute) ;
  • Gyu-Jin Kim (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2023.06.11
  • Accepted : 2023.10.30
  • Published : 2023.11.25


The submerged floating tunnel (SFT) infrastructure has been regarded as an emerging technology that efficiently and safely connects land and islands. The SFT route problem is an essential part of the SFT planning and design phase, with significant impacts on the surrounding environment. This study aims to develop an optimization model considering transportation and structure factors. The SFT routing problem was optimized based on two objective functions, i.e., minimizing total travel time and cumulative strains, using NSGA-II. The proposed model was applied to the section from Mokpo to Jeju Island using road network and wave observation data. As a result of the proposed model, a Pareto optimum curve was obtained, showing a negative correlation between the total travel time and cumulative strain. Based on the inflection points on the Pareto optimum curve, four optimal SFT routes were selected and compared to identify the pros and cons. The travel time savings of the four selected alternatives were estimated to range from 9.9% to 10.5% compared to the non-implemented scenario. In terms of demand, there was a substantial shift in the number of travel and freight trips from airways to railways and roadways. Cumulative strain, calculated based on SFT distance, support structure, and wave energy, was found to be low when the route passed through small islands. The proposed model helps decision-making in the planning and design phases of SFT projects, ultimately contributing to the progress of a safe, efficient, and sustainable SFT infrastructure.



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