이 연구는 2021년도 영남대학교 학술연구조성비에 의한 것임.
- 강선아, 유지연 (2017), "산업특성이 경영자의 낙관적 성향과 경영성과의 관계에 미치는 영향", 관리회계연구, 17(2) : 85-109.
- 김민수, 이명건 (2019), "회계정보의 보수주의와 주가지체현상에 관한 연구", 경영연구, 34(4), 29-50.
- 김민수, 최희정 (2020), "애널리스트 예측이 주가지체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구", 재무관리연구, 37(4), 83-111.
- 김상미, 신희정, 김수인 (2018), "경영자 과신성향이 감사보수에 미치는 영향", 회계세무와감사연구, 60(1), 67-95.
- 안윤영, 신현한, 장진호 (2005), "외국인투자자와 정보비대칭 간의 관계", 회계학연구, 30(4), 109-131.
- 이혜미, 홍창목 (2018), "경영자의 과신성향과 주가정보성", 경영학연구, 47(5), 1201-1230.
- 전영순 (2003), "외국인투자자 및 국내 기관투자가의 투자의사결정과 회계이익의 질", 경영학연구, 32(4), 1001-1032.
- 황규영, 김응길 (2018), "경영자의 자기과신 성향과 배당성향의 관계: 재벌기업을 중심으로", 금융정보연구, 7(1), 61-90.
- Ahmed, A. S., and S. Duellman (2013), "Managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism", Journal of Accounting Research, 51(1), 1-30
- Altinkilic, O. and R. Hansen (2009), "On the Information Role of Stock Recommendation Revisions", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48, 17-36.
- Asquith, P., M. B. Mikhail, and A. S. Au (2005), "Information Content of Equity Analyst Report", Journal of Financial Economics, 75, 245-282.
- Baik, B., B. Billings, R. Morton, and D. Park (2013, December, 21), "Does Financial Statement Comparability reduce Stock Price Delay?" The Korean Accounting Association Korean Accounting Association 2013 Winter Symposium, Seoul, South Korea
- Baker, M., and J. Wurgler (2013), "Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey", Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 2, 357-424, Elsevier.
- Barry, C., and R. Jennings (1992), "Information and Diversity of Analyst Opinion", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 27, 169-183.
- Ben-David, I., J. Graham, and C. Harvey (2012), "Managerial miscalibration", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(4), 1547-1584
- Bernardo, A. E., and I. Welch (2001), "On the evolution of overconfidence and entrepreneurs", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 10(3), 301-330
- Black, F. (1976), "Studies of stock price volatility changes", Proceedings of the 1976 Meeting of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, Washington DC, 177-181.
- Bradley, D., J. Clarke, S. Lee, and C. Ornthanalai (2014), "Are Analysts' Recommendations Informative? Intraday Evidence on the Impact of Time Stamp Delays", Journal of Finance, 69, 645-673.
- Brennan, M. J., N. Jegadeesh, N., and B. Swaminathan (1993), "Investment Analysis and the Adjustment of Stock Prices to Common Information", Review of Financial Studies, 6, 799-824.
- Brown, R., and N. Sarma (2007), "CEO Overconfidence, CEO Dominance and Corporate Acquisitions", Journal of Economics and Business, 59(5), 358-379.
- Callen, J. L., M. Khan, and H. Lu (2013), "Accounting quality, stock price delay, and future stock returns", Contemporary Accounting Research, 30, 269-295.
- Chen, S. S., S. M. Lai, C. L. Liu, and S. E. McVay (2021), Exploring Differential Net Benefits to Internal Control: An Examination of Firms with Overconfident Managers (Working Paper). Available from SSRN:
- Chordia, T., and B. Swaminathan (2000), "Trading Volume and Cross-Autocorrelation in Stock Returns", Journal of Finance, 55, 913-935
- Christie, A. A. (1982), "A Stochastic Behavior of Common Stock Variances-Value, Leverage and Interest Rate Effects", Journal of Financial Economics, 10, 407-432.
- Deshmukh, S., A. M. Goel, A. M, and K. M. Howe (2013), "CEO Overconfidence and Dividend Policy", Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22(3), 440-463.
- Dow, J., I. Goldstein, and A. Guembel. (2006), Commitment to Overinvest and Price Informativeness (Working Paper). Available from
- Galasso, A., and T. S. Simcoe (2011), "CEO overconfidence and innovation", Management Science, 57(8), 1469-1484.
- Hayward, M. L. A., V. P. Rindova, and T. G. Pollock (2004), "Believing one's own press: The causes and consequences of CEO celebrity", Strategic Management Journal, 25(7), 637-653.
- Heaton, J. (2002), "Managerial optimism and corporate finance", Financial Management, 31, 33-45.
- Hirshleifer, D., A. Low, and S. H. Teoh (2012), "Are overconfident CEOs better innovators?", The Journal of Finance, 67(4), 1457-1498.
- Hong, H., and J. C. Stein (1999), "A Unified Theory of Underreaction, Momentum Trading and Overreaction in Asset Markets", Journal of Finance, 54, 2143-2184.
- Hong, H., T. Lim, and J. C. Stein (2000), "Bad news travels slowly: Size, analyst coverage and the profitability of momemtum strategies", Journal of Finance, 55, 265-295.
- Hou, K., and T. J. Moskowitz (2005), "Market frictions, price delay, and the cross-section of expected returns", The Review of Financial Studies, 18(3), 981-1020.
- Hribar, P., and H. Yang (2016), "CEO overconfidence and Management Forecasting", Contemporary Accounting Research, 33(1), 204-227.
- Kramer, L. A., and C. M. Liao (2016), "The Spillover Effects of Management Overconfidence on Analyst Forecasts", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 12, 79-92
- Lo, A. W., and A. C. Mackinlay (1990), "When Are Contrarian Profits Due to Stock Market Overreaction?", Review of Financial Studies, 3, 175-205.
- Malmendier, U., and G. Tate (2005), "CEO overconfidence and corporate investment", Journal of Finance, 60(2), 661-700.
- Malmendier, U., and G. Tate (2008), "Who makes acquisitions? CEO overconfidence and the market's reaction", Journal of Financial Economics, 89, 20-43.
- Peng, L. (2005), "Learning with Information Capacity Constraints", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 40, 307-329
- Presley, T. J., and L. J. Abbott (2013), "CEO overconfidence and the incidence of financial restatement", Advances in Accounting, 29(1), 74-84.
- Russo, J. E., and P. J. H. Schoemaker (1992), "Managing overconfidence", Sloan Management Review, 33(2), 7-17.
- Schrand, C., and S. Zechman (2012), "Executive overconfidence and the slippery slope to financial misreporting", Journal of Accounting and Economics, 53(1-2), 311-329.
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- Wei, Chishen and L. Zhang (2018), The Informational Role of Overconfident CEOs (Working Paper). Available from