A Study on the Tourism Watchdog for Optimizing Safety System

관광활동의 민원 관계망 최적화 관광 와치도그 도입에 관한 소고

  • Kyung-Yeo, Koo (Korea Institute for International Tourism Development)
  • 구경여 ((사)한국국제관광개발연구원)
  • Received : 2023.05.30
  • Accepted : 2023.06.23
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to formulate a plan to cope with tourists' rights which can occur in tourist attraction place and anywhere for tourist activities and to seek a plan for introducing a watchdog system for tourists' civil complaints. Design/methodology/approach - To perform this purpose, this article will discuss a research review of the scope of tourist activities in terms of space and place perspectives and compare them to the watchdog and ombudsman concepts. And the study analyses and look at the suggestion about Tourism complains center and the Tourism policy system of procedure function and role critically. Findings - The Watchdog system is a routine activity in which citizen monitoring activities are developed in the form of a system and share inconvenience and anxiety detected in time and space in the expanding range of entertainment, leisure, and sports tourism activities. The resulting accident rate can be reduced, the administrative and private businesses can be resolved, and the cost of handling can be solved. Research implications or Originality - The social contribution of Watchdog can be systematically expanded and resolved at various sites by securing public trust in the country threats in daily places preventing risks securing continuous safety management of related facilities and other industries



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