국내 시판 유아동 보건용 마스크 구조 및 제품 치수 비교 연구

A Study of the Structures and Product Dimensions of Hygienic Face Mask for Infants and Children in the Domestic Market

  • 김지은 (경희대학교 의류디자인학과)
  • Ji Eun Kim (Dept. of Textile and Clothing Design Kyung Hee University)
  • Received : 2023.07.03
  • Accepted : 2023.08.10
  • Published : 2023.09.30


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the normalization of mask-wearing worldwide, and young children are particularly vulnerable to respiratory diseases. Children's masks come in various sizes and shapes, causing confusion among consumers who struggle to find products that can accommodate their child's unique physical conditions. This research aims to analyze the shape and dimensions of health masks designed for young children. A total of 67 mask varieties were collected, and 58 were subjected to analysis. The masks were found to have two primary shapes: foldable and beak-like, with sizes categorized as small and extra-small. The majority of masks were manufactured in Korea, and the size labeling systems varied among manufacturers. The mask materials were non-woven fabric or polypropylene, and there was diversity in terms of the adjustable earbands and the use of additional accessories. The dimensions of the masks varied depending on their shape, with significant differences in the weight and the length of the wire holes. Subsequent research should focus on conducting wearability evaluations to verify the dimensional suitability of commercially available children's health masks based on shape and size. Additionally, this study aims to provide foundational data that can assist in the development of children's masks with size ranges that differentiate them from adult masks and cater to specific age groups.



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