Pain management in periodontal therapy using local anesthetics and other drugs: an integrative review

  • Received : 2023.08.15
  • Accepted : 2023.09.20
  • Published : 2023.10.01


Background: Surgical and non-surgical periodontal procedures often lead to postoperative pain. Clinicians use pharmacological methods such as anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and analgesics for relief. However, the multitude of options makes it challenging to select the best approach for routine dental care. Objective: This review aimed to describe previous studies regarding the pharmacological management used for pain control during periodontal procedures as well as factors that may interfere with patients' perception of pain. Methods: We included studies (period of 2000-2023, whose approach corresponded to the pharmacological protocols used for preoperative, trans-operative, and postoperative pain control in adult patients undergoing surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy. Results: A total of 32 studies were included in the analysis, of which 17 (53%) were related to anesthetic methods and 15 (47%) were related to therapeutic protocols (anti-inflammatory/analgesic agents). These studies predominantly involved nonsurgical periodontal procedures. Studies have reported that factors related to age, type of procedure, and anxiety can influence pain perception; however, only seven of these studies evaluated anxiety. Conclusions: Numerous methods for pain control can be applied in periodontal therapy, which are accomplished through anesthetic methods and/or therapeutic protocols. Factors such as anxiety, age, and type of procedure are related to pain perception in patients. Thus, it is the responsibility of dentists to evaluate each clinical situation and define the best protocol to follow based on the literature.



This study was supported by the Coordination for Higher Education Staff Development (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. The authors wish to thank Dr. Sean J. Stroud for reading this manuscript and offering valuable comments.


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