이 논문은 2022학년도 한밭대학교 대학회계 연구비를 지원받아 작성되었음.
- Weigle, S. Assessing Writing. Cambridge University Press. 2006.
- Jacobs, H., Zinkgraf, S., Wormuth, D., Hearfiel, V., & Hughey, J. Testing ESL Composition: A Practical Approach. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House. 1981.
- Kyle, K. Measuring syntactic development in L2 writing: Fine grained indices of syntactic complexity and usage-based indices of syntactic sophistication. Doctoral dissertation, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 2016.
- Kyle, K., & Crossley, S. Measuring syntactic complexity in L2 writing using fine-grained clausal and phrasal indices. The Modern Language Journal, 102(2), 333-349. 2018.
- Lu, X. A corpus-based evaluation of syntactic complexity measures as indices of college-level ESL writers' language development. TESOL Quarterly, 45, 36-62. 2011.
- Ishikawa, S. The ICNALE edited essays: A dataset for analysis of L2 English learner essays based on a new integrative viewpoint. English Corpus Studies, 25, 116-130. 2018.
- Biber, D., Gray, B., & Poonpon, K. Should we use characteristics of conversation to measure grammatical complexity in L2 writing development? TESOL Quarterly, 45, 5-35. 2011.
- Ortega, L. Syntactic complexity measures and their relationship to L2 proficiency: A research synthesis of college-level L2 writing. Applied Linguistics, 24, 492-518. 2003.
- Norris, J. M., & Ortega, I. Towards an organic approach to investigating CAF in instructed SLA: The case of complexity. Applied Linguistics, 30, 555-578. 2009.
- Bulte, B., & Housen, A. Defining and operationalising L2 complexity. Dimensions of L2 performance and proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, 32, 21. 2012.
- Biber, D., Gray, B., & Staples, S.. Predicting patterns of grammatical complexity across language exam task types and proficiency levels. Applied Linguistics, 37, 639-668. 2014.