Composite action in connection of single-walled carbon nanotubes: Modeled as Flügge shell theory

  • Mohamed A. Khadimallah (Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University) ;
  • Imene Harbaoui (Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Engineering LR-MAI, University Tunis El Manar) ;
  • Sofiene Helaili (Carthage University, Tunisia Polytechnic School, LASMAP (LR03ES06)) ;
  • Abdelhakim Benslimane (Laboratoire de Mecanique Materiaux et Energetique (L2ME), Departement Genie Mecanique, Faculte de Technologie, Universite de Bejaia) ;
  • Humaira Sharif (Department of Mathematics, Govt. College University Faisalabad) ;
  • Muzamal Hussain (Department of Mathematics, Govt. College University Faisalabad) ;
  • Muhammad Nawaz Naeem (Department of Mathematics, Govt. College University Faisalabad) ;
  • Mohamed R. Ali (Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University) ;
  • Aqib Majeed (Department of Mathematics, The University of Faisalabad, Sargodha Road, University Town Faisalabad) ;
  • Abdelouahed Tounsi (YFL (Yonsei Frontier Lab), Yonsei University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.24
  • 심사 : 2023.05.19
  • 발행 : 2023.10.25


On the basis of Flügge shell theory, the vibrations of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are investigated. The structure of armchair single walled carbon nanotubes are used here. Influences of length-to-diameter ratios and the two boundary conditions on the natural frequencies of armchair SWCNTs are examined. The Rayleigh-Ritz method is employed to determine eigen frequencies for single walled carbon nanotubes. The solution is obtained using the geometric characteristics and boundary conditions for natural frequencies of SWCNTs. The natural frequencies decrease as ratio of length to diameter increase and the effect of frequencies is less significant and more prominent for long tube. To assess the frequency confirmation carried out in this paper are compared with the earlier computations.



This study is supported via funding from Prince Satam bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1444).


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