Price Monitoring Automation with Marketing Forecasting Methods

  • Oksana Penkova (Department of Marketing, Uman National University of Horticulture) ;
  • Oleksandr Zakharchuk (Department of Investment and Material and Technical Support, National Scientific Centre ) ;
  • Ivan Blahun (Department of Management and Marketing, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) ;
  • Alina Berher (Department of Marketing, National University of Food Technologies) ;
  • Veronika Nechytailo (Department of Investment and Material and Technical Support, National Scientific Centre ) ;
  • Andrii Kharenko (Department of Marketing, Uman National University of Horticulture)
  • 투고 : 2023.09.05
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


The main aim of the article is to solve the problem of automating price monitoring using marketing forecasting methods and Excel functionality under martial law. The study used the method of algorithms, trend analysis, correlation and regression analysis, ANOVA, extrapolation, index method, etc. The importance of monitoring consumer price developments in market pricing at the macro and micro levels is proved. The introduction of a Dummy variable to account for the influence of martial law in market pricing is proposed, both in linear multiple regression modelling and in forecasting the components of the Consumer Price Index. Experimentally, the high reliability of forecasting based on a five-factor linear regression model with a Dummy variable was proved in comparison with a linear trend equation and a four-factor linear regression model. Pessimistic, realistic and optimistic scenarios were developed for forecasting the Consumer Price Index for the situation of the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war until the end of 2023 and separately until the end of 2024.



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