Dual Network Embeddedness of the Host Country, Organizational Improvisational Capability, and International Entrepreneurial Performance

  • Qixia Du (School of Health Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine) ;
  • Yeong-Gil Kim (Department of Global Trade and Management, Shinhan University)
  • Received : 2023.06.30
  • Accepted : 2023.08.11
  • Published : 2023.08.31


Purpose - Along with emerging international entrepreneurship, there is a need for exploring the influencing mechanism of dual network embeddedness of the host country on international entrepreneurial performance. Drawing on network embeddedness theory and organizational improvisational theory, the present study constructs a theoretical model regarding the logic relationships between the dual network embeddedness of the host country, organizational improvisational capability, and international entrepreneurial performance. Design/methodology - Using a questionnaire survey, our study conducted data in two ways. The final research sample comprised 129 international new ventures. To test the hypotheses, a three-step mediation test method was conducted. Findings - Our empirical results suggested that both host-country social network embeddedness and industrial network embeddedness significantly affected the international entrepreneurial performance. Organizational improvisational capability significantly affected the international entrepreneurial performance. Third, organizational improvisational capability partially played mediating role in the relationship between the dual network embeddedness of the host country and international entrepreneurial performance. Originality/value - This study mainly concentrates on the two important types of host-country networks, host-country social network embeddedness and industrial network embeddedness, that may help international new ventures access the strategic resources necessary to support performance. Thus, it extends the existing network embeddedness theory and improvisational theory to encompass international entrepreneurship.



This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China" (NSFC grant no. 71972103; 71872087).


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