Dynamic analysis of Pine Flat dam-reservoir system utilizing Hagstrom-Warburton truncation boundary condition

  • Solmaz Dehghanmarvasty (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology) ;
  • Vahid Lotfi (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology)
  • Received : 2023.01.11
  • Accepted : 2023.08.31
  • Published : 2023.08.25


Dynamic analysis of a typical concrete gravity dam-reservoir system is formulated by FE-(FE-TE) approach (i.e., Finite Element-(Finite Element-Truncation Element)). In this technique, dam and reservoir are discretized by plane solid and fluid finite elements. Moreover, the H-W (i.e., Hagstrom-Warburton) high-order condition imposed at the reservoir truncation boundary. This task is formulated by employing a truncation element at that boundary. It is emphasized that reservoir far-field is excluded from the discretized model. The formulation is initially reviewed which was originally proposed in a previous study. Thereafter, the response of Pine Flat dam-reservoir system is studied due to horizontal and vertical ground motions for two types of reservoir bottom conditions of full reflective and absorptive. It should be emphasized that study is carried out under high order of H-W condition applied on the truncation boundary. The initial part of study is focused on the time harmonic analysis. In this part, it is possible to compare the transfer functions against corresponding responses obtained by FE-(FE-HE) approach (referred to as exact method). Subsequently, the transient analysis is carried out. In that part, it is only possible to compare the results for low and high normalized reservoir length cases. Therefore, the sensitivity of results is controlled due to normalized reservoir length values.



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