Spatio-temporal Distribution and Suspended Sediment Effects on Fish Flora in the Upper Basin of Soyang-Dam

소양댐 상류 유역 내 어류상의 시⋅공간 분포와 부유성 퇴적물 영향

  • Yu Eunjin (Water & Land Research Group, Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Ahn Jongho (Water & Land Research Group, Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Lee Moonhwan (Water & Land Research Group, Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Jeon Dongjin (Water & Land Research Group, Korea Environment Institute)
  • 유은진 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ;
  • 안종호 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ;
  • 이문환 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ;
  • 전동진 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부)
  • Received : 2023.03.21
  • Accepted : 2023.05.09
  • Published : 2023.07.30


Turbid water and suspended sediment (SS) load are having negative consequences such as water quality degradation and ecological damage, thus necessitating the establishment of management guidelines to reduce their impact. The present work investigates the spatio-temporal distribution of fish species and the effects of turbid water from 2011-2016 in the upper reaches of Soyang-Dam. The family Cyprinidae is the largest population in the study area, among which Zacco platypus and Zacco koreanus are the dominant species. The diversity of species is relatively abundant in the upper watershed, while the seasonal effect on the population distribution remains unclear. Using two main common components of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, the distribution characteristics of 27 species at five survey sites are revealed. Zacco koreanus is found to be predominant at the upstream A-Naerincheon, while Zacco platypus and Rhinogobius brunneus are found to be predominant at the upstream B-Bukcheon. Disturbance of an aquatic ecosystem has a relatively greater impact in the downstream, as-compared to the upper area-the high proportion of forest area is decreased whereas that of agricultural and urbanized areas is increased. The patterns of representative species are changed according to the mid- to long-term effects of turbid water and SS. Accordingly, the significant correlation between the SS load and fish distribution EOF analysis indicates that it should be considered as a potential alternative that can overcome the limitations of impact assessment on turbid water to the Fish Assessment Index (FAI). A comprehensive study examining the long-term effects of SS load to the fish ecosystems with a systematic statistical analysis of sufficiently accumulated data at the national level is needed as future research.



This work was supported by the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) through Aquatic Ecosystem Conservation Research Program, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (ME) (No.2021003030003).


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