Six species of Tricoma (Nematoda, Desmoscolecida, Desmoscolecidae) from the East Sea, Korea, with a bibliographic catalog and geographic information

  • Hyo Jin Lee (East Sea Environment Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST)) ;
  • Heegab Lee (East Sea Environment Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST)) ;
  • Hyun Soo Rho (East Sea Environment Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST))
  • Received : 2023.11.22
  • Accepted : 2023.12.15
  • Published : 2023.12.31


The subgenus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 comprises free-living marine nematodes encompassing a total of 83 validated taxa. Within this diversity, twenty-one taxa thrive in the deep sea, while twenty-three are found in coral reefs, flat areas, or green algae. Additionally, eleven taxa inhabit the sublittoral zone at depths exceeding 10 meters, and the remaining taxa are situated on beaches, coasts, or in habitats lacking detailed information. In the course of a survey focused on the East Sea free-living marine nematodes, we identified four new and two previously unrecorded species belonging to the subgenus Tricoma. Specifically, two new species, Tricoma (Tricoma) breviseta sp. nov. and T. (T.) donghaensis sp. nov., were discovered in mud-sandy sediment in deepsea environments below 2000 meters within the Ulleung Basin and Hupo Bank. Two previously unrecorded species [T. (T.) paralucida Decraemer, 1987 and T. (T.) similis Cobb, 1912] and the two newly found species [T. (T.) longicauda sp. nov. and T. (T.) ulleungensis sp. nov.] were obtained from subtidal coarse sand at a depth of 20 meters during a survey of the waters surrounding Ulleungdo Island. The distribution and information on validated taxa within the subgenus Tricoma were systematically collected, reviewed, and cataloged. Detailed morphological features and illustrations of Tricoma species from Korea were provided through the use of differential interference contrast microscopy.



This work was supported by the management of the Marine Fishery Bio-resources Center (2023), funded by the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea (MABIK), and by the research projects of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (PEA0016).


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