Factors Influencing intention to farming jobs in Agricultural Corporations

농업법인을 통한 청년농업인의 취농의향 영향요인

  • Ju-Young An (Department of Agricultural Economics, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Ji-Bum Um (Department of Agricultural Economics, Sunchon National University)
  • 안주영 (순천대학교 농업경제학과) ;
  • 엄지범 (순천대학교 농업경제학과)
  • Received : 2023.06.05
  • Accepted : 2023.06.20
  • Published : 2023.06.30


This study aims to examine the factors Influencing intention to farming jobs in agricultural corporations. We conducted a survey on 181 young farmers and analyzed their inclination towards employment in agricultural corporations using a probit model. The findings revealed several implications. First, adherence to labor laws and regulations, including the provision of the four major insurances, emerged as the most crucial factor for individuals considering employment in agricultural corporations. Additionally, a positive correlation was observed between individuals perceiving agricultural corporations as contributors to job expansion and their willingness to work for such entities.



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