Using three-dimensional theory of elasticity for vibration analysis of laminated sectorial plates

  • Liyuan Zhao (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, XinXiang University) ;
  • Man Wang (Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Rui Yang (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, XinXiang University) ;
  • Meng Zhao (Zaha Hadid Limited) ;
  • Zenghao Song (Henan Hangjian Anticorrosion Installation Engineering limited Cooperation) ;
  • N. Bohlooli (School of Civil Engineering, Urmia University)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.25
  • 심사 : 2023.04.26
  • 발행 : 2023.07.10


The main goal of this paper is to study vibration of damaged core laminated sectorial plates with Functionally graded (FG) face sheets based on three-dimensional theory of elasticity. The structures are made of a damaged isotropic core and two external face sheets. These skins are strengthened at the nanoscale level by randomly oriented Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and are reinforced at the microscale stage by oriented straight fibers. These reinforcing phases are included in a polymer matrix and a three-phase approach based on the Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka scheme and on the Halpin-Tsai approach, which is developed to compute the overall mechanical properties of the composite material. Three complicated equations of motion for the sectorial plates under consideration are semi-analytically solved by using 2-D differential quadrature method. Using the 2-D differential quadrature method in the r- and z-directions, allows one to deal with sandwich annular sector plate with arbitrary thickness distribution of material properties and also to implement the effects of different boundary conditions of the structure efficiently and in an exact manner. The fast rate of convergence and accuracy of the method are investigated through the different solved examples. The sandwich annular sector plate is assumed to be simply supported in the radial edges while any arbitrary boundary conditions are applied to the other two circular edges including simply supported, clamped and free. Several parametric analyses are carried out to investigate the mechanical behavior of these multi-layered structures depending on the damage features, through-the-thickness distribution and boundary conditions.



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