A Cross-case Analysis of the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in Mathematics Education Focusing on Series E Journal: Exploring to Current Practices and Future Possibilities

  • Jangham Na (Department of Education, Chosun University)
  • Received : 2023.05.19
  • Accepted : 2023.06.08
  • Published : 2023.06.30


In the context of Korean educational research, the number of qualitative research studies has gradually increased since 2000. It has become one of the most important research methods today. The field of math education is no exception to this trend, and qualitative approaches are now becoming one of the main research methods. This increase in qualitative research has contributed to the provision of detailed information about educational practice, but at the same time, the overall level of credibility in the results of qualitative research seems to be lower than that of quantitative research. This study started with the problem consciousness that the number of qualitative studies is increasing in the field of mathematical education, but there is a lack of discussion on the methodology of applying qualitative research methods. In this study, among the papers published in the journal related to mathematical education, papers using a qualitative approach are analyzed focusing on cross-case analysis. Based on the analysis results, the tendency to use qualitative approaches is diagnosed, ways of improving the validity and trustworthiness of qualitative research results in the field of mathematical education are examined, and implications and suggestions are presented.



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