A Study on the Small-scale Housing Improvement

소규모주택 정비 방안 연구

  • Park, Ki-Bum (Architectural Culture and Landscape Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
  • 박기범 (국토교통부 건축문화경관과)
  • Received : 2023.03.19
  • Accepted : 2023.05.23
  • Published : 2023.06.30


The objective of this study was to contribute to the improvement of small-scale housing, which has been constructed since the mid-1980s. Through an analysis of the evolution of small-scale housing, this study identified urban and architectural issues associated with existing structures, as well as institutional barriers that hinder small-scale housing improvement. In response, a comprehensive plan was proposed to revitalize small-scale housing improvement, with a focus on increasing business feasibility and enhancing public appeal, including diverse usage options, street revitalization, and community recovery. To ensure the economic viability of housing improvement projects, it is necessary to revise the limitations on the floor area ratio. An analysis of virtual land indicated that the floor area ratio could be increased by up to 350%. However, it is recommended to restrict the application of increased floor area ratios to housing improvement projects within city blocks, which can contribute to enhancing public appeal by incorporating underground parking facilities, mixed-use developments, and community spaces. Additionally, cost reduction measures for underground parking installation were proposed, such as revising parking lot regulations and promoting joint construction initiatives involving the local government. The feasibility and public appeal of small-scale housing improvement projects were proactively assessed through an analysis of comparable development cases. This study is expected to inform policy revisions and legislation for future revitalization efforts concerning small-scale housing improvement projects.



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