Effect of a Bacterial Laccase on the Quality and Micro-Structure of Whole Wheat Bread

  • Jingjing Wang (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Han Bai (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Ran Zhang (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Guoao Ding (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Xuran Cai (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Wei Wang (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Guilan Zhu (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Peng Zhou (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University) ;
  • Yan Zhang (School of Life Sciences, Hefei Normal University)
  • Received : 2023.05.09
  • Accepted : 2023.07.18
  • Published : 2023.12.28


The gluten protein content in whole-wheat flour is low, which affects the elasticity and viscosity of the dough. Enzymatic modification of the protein may result in a network that mimics gluten, which plays an important role in the processing of whole-wheat foods. In this study, the effects of Halomonas alkaliantartica laccase (LacHa) on the quality parameters of whole-wheat bread were investigated. The optimum dosage of LacHa was 4 U/100 g of whole-wheat flour. At this dosage, whole-wheat bread exhibited the best specific volume and optimum texture parameters. Laccase also extended the storage duration of whole-wheat bread. We analyzed the micro-structure of the dough to determine its gluten-free protein extractable rate and free sulfhydryl group content, and verify that LacHa mediates cross-linking of gluten-free proteins. The results demonstrated that the cross-linking of gluten-free protein by LacHa improves the texture of whole-wheat bread. As a flour improver, LacHa has great developmental and application potential in baked-food production.



This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31800049); the Natural Science Foundation of Higher Education in Anhui Province (Grant Nos. KJ2021ZD0113 & 2022AH052156 & 2022AH052166); the Program for Young Outstanding Talents in Anhui Province (Grant No. gxyqZD2022071), and the Provincial Scientific Research Platform Open Project of Fuyang Normal University (Grant No. FSKFKT010).


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