Quality Evaluation of e-Government Services: A Systematic Literature Sudan as a Case Study

  • Received : 2023.05.05
  • Published : 2023.05.30


The technological revolution, also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it embraced by government should transform the way governments serve their citizens. The growth of broadband in Africa is leapfrogging its technological development. And thus, many African governments will soon be able to offer quality e-Government services to their citizens. These technologically driven governments will be able to provide decision-makers with timeous information to make judgments that could influence policies. Proponents of e-Government believe that in the digital age, governments can use this information to reduce corruption and increase, accountability, transparency, efficiency, and public participation. e-Government service quality should ensure customer satisfaction. Although many studies have examined the role of e-Government and the quality of its services, few studies have examined the quality of e-Government services in terms of both supply and demand. This paper examines and reviews the academic-state-of-the-art on the factors that affect the quality of e-Government services from both perspectives. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods for data gathering and analysis, a mixed methods research methodology was used.



This publication was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia.


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